Genre: Arcade    Creation Date: November 2016     Language: 6809 Assembly Language    System: Tandy Color Computer 3 with 512K

Version 1.1 Free Update
(For purchasers of the original V1.0 only)

This is a revised version that has the original Zones 2 and 3 swapped.

I found many people were finding Zone 2 too difficult to complete. Zone 2 is a hard level and in hindsight, I should have placed Zone 3 after Zone 2 for a more balanced difficulty progression. That has been corrected in this Version 1.1 update for owners of the original software.

Download the PATCH.ZIP file and extract the file PATCH.DSK. Delete the files POPSTAR.BAS and MAPDATA.BIN from your old DSK file and replace them with these 2 new files.

Pop the balloons, be the Star!

Have you got what it takes to navigate all 5 zones of this aerial obstacle course?

Dodge and manoeuvre your way over buildings, inside caverns and through suspended structures popping balloons along the way to earn points.

Keep an eye on your fuel and top up at every opportunity to keep your gas guzzling craft in the air.

You will need to collect a minimum of 25 tokens to unlock your passage into the final Zone 5.

It will take nerves of steel and sharp reflexes to survive the journey so crank that engine and buckle up!

Zone 1 - Grecian Paradise

Zone 2 - Stormy Seas

Zone 3 - Sub-Terrainia

Zone 4 - High Tech

Technical features

  • Split screen smooth 1 byte hardware scrolling.
  • Flicker free double buffered video.
  • 2 channel interrupt driven sample based sound effects.
  • Raster background effects engine.
  • 320 x 225 x 16 color graphics resolution.
  • 80 screens worth of detailed scrolling landscape.

Game Development

Pop*Star Pilot was programmed using a traditional style Editor Assembler (Robert Gault's EDTASM6309) on an actual Tandy Color Computer 3 with 512K of RAM.

Graphic design was done using a Commodore Amiga running the Brilliance graphics package. Sound sample manipulation was done using Audacity on a PC.

Level design was created on the Color Computer 3 using a custom Level Editor I wrote in standard ROM BASIC.

CD Bonus Games - The purchase of the Pop*Star Pilot CD also includes full version bonus games - Neutroid 2, Donut Dilemma, Rupert Rythym, Space Intruders, Pac-man, Gate Crasher & Neutroid 2.015.

But wait! There's more!
- Also included on the CD is 30 minutes of rare bonus video footage of PennFest 2000, a CoCoFest held in Pittsburgh on August 19, 2000 and hosted by me and Ron Bull.

YouTube Videos

Click on the following links to view videos in a separate tab.